
Crossword puzzles consist for a grid of squares and blanks into which words crossing vertically and horizontally are written according to clues and it is extremely popular on Amazon KDP for both kids as well as adults and there are books that have sold thousands of copies. 


Cryptogram is a type of puzzle that consists of a short piece of encrypted text that is very addictive in nature and has a passionate following evident from the high sales volume. These books have made their creators hundreds of thousands in commission over the years.


Scramble is a word puzzle with a clue, a drawing illustrating the clue, and a set of words, each of which is “scrambled” by scrambling its letters. A solver reconstructs the words, and then arranges letters at marked positions in the words to spell the answer phrase to the clue.It is very popular among kids and adults, but creating them can be an extremely time consuming task. We have solved that problem for you in this PRO upgrade.

Double Puzzle

Double Puzzle is a word game using double meaning.In Creating double puzzles is excruciatingly difficult and there are not very many apps that let you create quality puzzles and sell them commercially. You will get this app in the PRO upgrade which will solve the issue for once and ever. 

Missing Vowel

The missing vowel puzzle is a simple puzzle for children and adults alike. As the name suggests, the vowels have been removed from a word and you must work out what the word is. Create fun little missing vowel puzzles for kids and introduce them to vowels in their learning journey. This is a big addition for you if you focus on kids books.