Step #1: Click on the math addition element.

In my canvas, I already have a single page containing a math addition element from the first template of the “Addition” templates. I reduced both rows and columns of the template to 3. 

To see the “Alignment” option, you need to click on the math addition element.

Step #2: Click on the “Alignment” option.

Now, click on the “Alignment” option in the context menu.

We will start on the “Align to page” options. There are six options: Top, Middle, Bottom, Left, Center, and Right.

Feel free to try each option, but for the scope of this article, I will click on the “Center” option.

After clicking on the “Center” option, you will notice that the math addition element moved to the center.

Now, there are two “Spacing” options: Fit to bottom and Fit to row. I will click on the “Fit to row” option.

After clicking on the “Fit to row” option, this is what my math addition element looks like: