Step #1: Duplicate the math addition element.

In my canvas, I already have a single page containing a math addition element from the first template of the “Addition” templates. I reduced both rows and columns of the template to 3. 

To duplicate this, click on the math addition element.

Afterward, press the “Command” and “C” keys on your keyboard. Once done, press the “Command” and “V” on your keyboard. Take note that Windows does not have a “Command” key so you need to press the “CTRL” key instead.

This is what the page looks like after:

Drag and drop the duplicated math addition element below the first one.

Step #2: Click on the first math addition element.

Before you can access the “Rules” option, you need to click on the first math addition element.

Step #3: Click on the “Rules” option.

Now that you have clicked on the first math addition element, you can already access the “Rules” option in the context menu.

There are two options for the “Rules” option: No Regrouping and Regrouping Only.

For the first math addition element, we will focus on “No Regrouping.”  To do this, click on the “Apply” option beside “No Regrouping.”

A green status bar will appear above and this is what it looks like:

Now, click on the “Close” button.

This is what the first math addition element looks like:

Here, you will notice that no two operand's sum or corresponding digits are crossing 9.

Step #4: Click on the second math addition element.

The next thing that we will try is the “Regrouping Only.” option on the second math addition element. To access the “Rules” option, you need to click on the second math addition element.

Step #5: Click on the “Rules” option.

Now that you already clicked on the second math addition element, you can already access the “Rules” option in the context menu.

For the second math addition element, we will focus on “Regrouping Only.”  To do this, click on the “Apply” option beside “Regrouping Only.”

A green status bar will appear above and this is what it looks like:

Now, click on the “Close” button.

This is what the second math addition element looks like:

Here, you will notice that the two operand's sum or corresponding digits are crossing 9.