Step #1: Click on the math element.

In my canvas, I already have a single page containing the first template of the “Addition” templates. 

I will no longer create another page so all that’s left for me to do is click on the math element.

Step #2: Change the font type.

To change the font type, click on the drop-down arrow of the “Font” tool in the context menu. 

After clicking on the drop-down arrow, the default font of your text will appear in the options.

In order to see all the font options, we need to delete the font name, “Roboto Regular.” To do this, double-click the font or simply highlight it.

Afterward, delete the font name by pressing the backspace on your keyboard.

As seen in the image below, the list of available fonts will appear. There are 900 fonts available in the options so feel free to scroll until the end of the list so that you can choose your desired font.

I will be choosing “Amatic SC Bold” as my font. 

You will notice that the font name automatically appears in the “Font” tool once chosen.

This is what my math element looks like after: