Step #1: Changing the Divider Thickness.

In my canvas, I already have a single page that contains the first template of the “Addition” templates. I reduced the rows to “4” and the columns to “6.” 

Notice that the “Zoom” tool is set to “25%” so that we can see the worksheet better.

I no longer need to add another page so all that’s left to do is scroll down on the Math Worksheet Settings and change the “Divider Thickness”.

Simply drag the slider from left to right to your desired thickness. I will increase my thickness a bit.

Afterward, click on the “Update Worksheet” button.

This is what the worksheet looks like after:

Step #2: Changing the Divider Color.

Now, we will be changing the “Divider Color”.

Click on the “Rounded Rectangle” below the “Divider Color”.

This is what it looks like once clicked:

I will be choosing the color red.

Afterward, click on the “Update Worksheet” button.

This is what the worksheet looks like after:

Step #3: Changing the Divider style.

The next thing that we will be changing is the “Divider style”.

There are three options: Solid, Dashed, and Dotted.

For the scope of this article, I will be choosing the “Dotted” option.

Afterward, click on the “Update Worksheet” button.

This is what the worksheet looks like after:

Step #4: Changing the Result Block Space Padding.

The next thing that we will be changing is the “Result Block Space Padding.

Before you can access this, the “Result Block Border Style” must be set to either “Line” or “Box”. For the scope of this article, I clicked on the “Box”.

The “Result Block Space Padding” consists of the left, top, right, and bottom padding.

The default settings for the “Left,” “Top,” “Right,” and “Bottom” padding are “25,” “10,” “5,” and “10” respectively.

I will be changing the “Left” padding to “15,” “Top” padding to “10,” “Right” padding to “10,” and “Bottom” padding to “5”.

Afterward, click on the “Update Worksheet” button.

This is what the worksheet looks like after:

Step #5: Changing the Cell Padding.

The next thing that we need to change is the “Cell Padding”.

The “Cell Padding” consists of the left, top, right, and bottom padding.

The default settings for the “Left,” “Top,” “Right,” and “Bottom” padding are “0,” “10,” “0,” and “10” respectively.

I will be changing the “Top” padding to “20” and “Bottom” padding to “20.” I will be leaving the “Left” and “Right” padding as-is.

Afterward, click on the “Update Worksheet” button.

This is what the worksheet looks like after:

Step #6: Changing the Divider Vertical Padding.

The last thing that we need to change is the “Divider Vertical Padding”.

The “Divider Vertical Padding” consists of the top and bottom padding.

The default settings for the “Top” and “Bottom” padding are “10” and “10” respectively.

I will be changing both the “Top” and “Bottom” padding to “20.”

Afterward, click on the “Update Worksheet” button.

This is what the worksheet looks like after: