Step #1: Click on the worksheet.

In my canvas, I already have a single page that contains a math addition element from the first template of the “Addition” templates.

Notice that my “Zoom” tool is set to “50%” so that we can see the worksheet better.

As seen in the image above, you will notice the grid elements arranged in a row and column fashion.

Step #2: Change the first and second operand range.

Since the worksheet is already clicked, the “Math Worksheet Settings” will appear. 

To fully demonstrate how to work with grid elements, we need to change the “First operand range” and “Second operand range”.

The default minimum value is “1” and the default maximum value is “9” for both “First operand range” and “Second operand range.” I will be changing both minimum and maximum values to “10” and “99” respectively.

Afterward, click on the “Update Worksheet” button.

This is what the worksheet looks like after:

Step #3: Changing the Column spacing.

You will notice that the information on the right side is not visible and this is when the “Column spacing” comes to play.

The distance between two columns is called column spacing and you can find this in the “Math Worksheet Settings.”

I will decrease my “Column spacing” by dragging the slider to the left.

This is what the worksheet looks like after:

Aside from “Column spacing,” you can also change the “Row spacing” which pertains to the distance between two rows. Feel free to check it in the application to see how it works.

Step #4: Changing the Grid item width.

The next thing that I will change is the “Grid item width” which is the horizontal spacing.

I will increase the “Grid item width” a bit by dragging the slider to the right.

This is what the worksheet looks like after:

Aside from “Grid item width,” you can also change the “Grid item height” which is the vertical spacing. Feel free to check it in the application to see how it works.