Step #1: Click on the worksheet.

In my canvas, I already have a single page that contains a math addition element from the first template of the “Addition” templates.

Notice that my “Zoom” tool is set to “50%” so that we can see the worksheet better.

Step #2: Click on the “Show index” tool.

Since the worksheet is already clicked, the “Math Worksheet Settings” will appear. 

Scroll down to see the “Show index” tool.

As seen in the image above, the “Show index” tool is clicked by default and this is what we want so we no longer need to modify it. However, if you do not want the indices to appear, then the “Show index” tool must be unclicked.

Step #3: Changing the “Index type” tool.

The next thing that we will change is the “Index type” tool and these are the options:

For the scope of this article, I will be choosing the “Circled” option.

Afterward, click on the “Update Worksheet” button.

This is what the worksheet looks like after:

Step #4: Changing the “Index margin” tool. 

Index margin is the distance between the indices and problems. The “Index margin” tool is below the “Index type” tool.

I will be decreasing the index margin by dragging the slider to the left.

Afterward, click on the “Update Worksheet” button.

This is what the worksheet looks like after:

Step #5: Changing the “Start index at” tool.

The last thing that we will change is the “Start index at” tool.

The “Start index at” tool is set to “1” by default.

I will be changing it to “16.”

Afterward, click on the “Update Worksheet” button.

This is what the worksheet looks like after: