Step #1: Click on the “Alignment” option.

In my canvas, I have already added a Giraffe image from the “Animals” section. You will also notice that I adjusted the size of the design element and placed it in the center of the page.

After clicking on the design element, you need to click on the “Alignment” option in the context menu.

There are six options: Top, Middle, Bottom, Left, Center, and Right.

For this demonstration, I will be placing the design element in the bottom right corner so I will click on the “Bottom” and “Right” options.  

This is what the design element looks like after:

Step #2: Drag and drop the design element.

You can also drag and drop the design element in your desired location on the page. For this demonstration, I dragged and dropped the design element in the top left corner of the page. 

This is what the design element looks like after: