#1: Inputting weird operand ranges.

In my canvas, I have added the first template from the “Subtraction” templates wherein I reduced it to 3 rows and 4 columns. 

I also changed the minimum and maximum values of the First and Second operand range to “10” and “99” respectively.

You will also notice that I increased the size of the “Grid item width” so that we can fully see the worksheet.

This is what the worksheet looks like:

The application smartly chooses the first and second operand so that the result is a whole number and not negative. 

For this demonstration, I will be inputting “100” and “999” as the minimum and maximum values for the Second operand range.

Afterward, click on the “Update Worksheet” button.

You will notice a red status bar above that says “Timeout while generating operands with constraints.”

This is what the worksheet looks like after:

If you want to visualize the solutions, scroll down and switch on the “Show solution?” tool.

This is what it looks like when switched on:

Now, click on the “Update Worksheet” button.

This is what the worksheet looks like after. I increased the size so that we can see it better.

As seen in the worksheet, the results turned out to be negative and this is not what we want so you need to be aware of this error.