Step #1: “Add Text” option.

The first page control is the “Add Text” option. The “Add Text” option allows you to add texts to your canvas. 

This is extensively discussed in the article, How to Add a Text to Page in Math Worksheets Generator, so feel free to browse the article to have an in-depth understanding of the use of this option.

For the scope of this article, I will be demonstrating how to simply add texts to your canvas. 

Upon opening the collection you have created, you will be redirected to the default page which is the first page.

In the image shown below, the chosen collection is the “Default Collection.” This is what the first page looks like:

Now, click on the “Add Text” option which is the first option from the left among the page controls. 

After clicking on the “Add Text” option, a text box will appear and this is what it looks like:

Step #2: “Add page” option.

The next page control is the “Add page” option which is the second option from the left among the page controls.

Take note that the pages you will be adding to your canvas will automatically be blank pages.

After clicking on the “Add page” option, you will notice in the image below that the second page has been added. This is what the added page looks like:

Step #3: “Delete Page” option.

The next page control is the “Delete Page” option. The “Delete Page” option allows you to delete any page that you want to be removed from your canvas.

To do this, click on the “Delete Page” option which is the third option from the left among the page controls.

After clicking on the “Delete Page” option, you will notice that the second page has been removed so all that’s left in your canvas is the first page.

Step #4: “Clone Page” option.

The next page control is the “Clone Page” option. The “Clone Page” option allows you to clone the entire page as is and creates a duplicate page.  

To do this, click on the “Clone Page” option.

After clicking on the “Clone Page” option, you will notice that the second page is a duplicate of the first page. 

Step #5: “Move Page Down” option.

The next page control is the “Move Page Down” option. The “Move Page Down” option allows you to move the selected page to the next page.

For demonstration purposes, I will be replacing the text on the first page with “Add text 1” .

Aside from this, I will also replace the text on the second page with “Add text 2”

Now, I will go to the first page.

Afterward, I will click on the “Move Page Down” option which is the sixth option from the left among the page controls.

After clicking on the “Move Page Down” option, you will notice that the text on the first page becomes “Add text 2.”

Step #6: “Move Page Up” option.

The next page control is the “Move Page Up” option. The “Move Page Up” option allows you to move the selected page to the previous page.

The first thing that you need to do is go to the second page.

Now, click on the “Move Page Up” option which is the seventh option from the left among the page controls.

After clicking on the “Move Page Up” option, you will notice that the text on the first page becomes “Add text 1.”

Step #7: “Local Download” option.

The last page control is the “Local Download” option.

After clicking on the “Local Download” option, you will see three different options: Download as PNG, Download as JPG, and Download as PDF.

For the scope of this article, I will be choosing the “Download as PDF.”

Afterward, you will notice the status “Downloading PDF” above.

Aside from this, the file will also appear below. You can also access it in the “Downloads” folder if you want. But for the scope of this article, I will not be accessing the “Downloads” folder.