Step #1: Go to your desired page.

My manuscript has two pages. For this demonstration, I will be focusing on the first page. 

Step #2: Click on the “Local Download” option.

The next thing that you need to do is click on the “Local Download” option.

There are four options: Download as PNG, Download as JPG, and Download as PDF.

I will be downloading the first page as a PNG file by clicking on the “Download as PNG” option.

The zip folder, “Default Collection,” is already downloaded once it appears below. 

Take note that if a page is downloaded as JPG or PNG, a zip folder will be downloaded. However, it will be a PDF file if the page is downloaded as a PDF.

You can access the zip folder in the “Downloads” folder. Take note that the application names the folder by default according to the collection name. 

Upon opening the zip folder, you will see the downloaded PNG file.