Step #1: Changing the Answer font size.

In my canvas, I already added the first template from the “Time” templates. Notice that my “Zoom” tool is set to “25%” so that we can see the worksheet better.

The first thing that I will be changing is the “Answer font size.”

I will be increasing it by dragging the slider to the right.

Afterward, click on the “Update Worksheet” button.

This is what the worksheet looks like after:

Step #2: Changing the Answer area line thickness.

The next thing that I will change is the “Answer area line thickness.”

I will be increasing it by dragging the slider to the right.

Afterward, click on the “Update Worksheet” button.

This is what the worksheet looks like after:

Step #3: Changing the Answer area type.

The next thing that I will change is the “Answer area type.” There are two options: Line and Box. 

I will be choosing the “Box” option.

Afterward, click on the “Update Worksheet” button.

This is what the worksheet looks like after:

Step #4: Changing the Answer area line style.

The next thing that I will change is the “Answer area line style.” There are three options: Solid, Dashed, and Dotted. 

I will be choosing the “Dotted” option.

Afterward, click on the “Update Worksheet” button.

This is what the worksheet looks like after:

Step #5: Changing the Answer area line color.

The next thing that I will be changing is the “Answer area line color.” 

To do this, click on the rounded rectangle element below the “Answer area line color.” 

This is what it looks like:

For demonstration purposes, I will be choosing the color brown.

Afterward, click on the “Update Worksheet” button.

This is what the worksheet looks like after:

Step #6: Changing the Answer area padding.

The next thing that I will be changing is the “Answer area padding.”

I will be increasing it by dragging the slider to the right.

Afterward, click on the “Update Worksheet” button.

This is what the worksheet looks like after:

Step #7: Changing the Row spacing.

The next thing that I will be changing is the “Row spacing.”

I will be increasing it by dragging the slider to the right.

This is what the worksheet looks like after:

Step #8: Changing the Answer area distance from clock.

The next thing that I will be changing is the “Answer area distance from clock.”

I will be increasing it by dragging the slider to the right.

Afterward, click on the “Update Worksheet” button.

This is what the worksheet looks like after:

Step #9: Changing the Index type.

The next thing that we will change is the “Index type” and these are the options:

For the scope of this article, I will be choosing the “Circled” option.

Afterward, click on the “Update Worksheet” button.

This is what the worksheet looks like after:

Step #10: Changing the Index margin. 

Index margin is the distance between the indices and problems. The “Index margin” is below the “Index type.”

I will be decreasing the index margin by dragging the slider to the left.

Afterward, click on the “Update Worksheet” button.

This is what the worksheet looks like after: