Step #1: Go to the first page.

Upon opening the collection you have created, you will be redirected to the default page which is the first page.

In the image shown below, the chosen collection is the “Default Collection.” This is what the first page looks like:

Step #2: Adding a Template.

I will be choosing the first template from the “Time” templates. This is what the first page looks like after adding the template:

The default rows and columns are set to “4” and “3” respectively.

I will be reducing both rows and columns to “1.”

Afterward, click on the “Update Worksheet” button.

This is what the clock looks like after:

Step #3: Duplicate the clock.

The next thing that I will do is duplicate the clock five times. 

To do this, press the “Command” and “C” on your keyboard. Once done, press the “Command” and “V” on your keyboard. Take note that the “CTRL” key must be pressed instead of the “Command” key on Windows.

This is what the page looks like after: 

Step #4: Changing the radius of clocks.

Now, I will change the radius of the first clock. 

I will increase the radius by dragging the slider to the right.

Afterward, click on the “Update Worksheet” button.

This is what the first clock looks like after:

I went ahead and changed the radius of the five remaining clocks. Feel free to increase or decrease the radius of each clock.

Step #5: Click on the “Regenerate data” option.

Since the clocks are copied, the time is exactly the same as each other. We will start regenerating data on the first clock. To do this, click on the first clock.

Afterward, click on the “Regenerate data” option in the context menu.

This is what the first clock looks like after:

Rinse and repeat the process for the five remaining clocks. This is what they look like after: